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E,GACtH0E,EAAqBD,EAAsBC,mBAC3CK,EAAgBN,EAAsB7D,OAE1C,GAAI8D,EACF,MAAO,CACLM,yBAA0B,gCAC1BN,mBAAoBA,EACpB9D,OAAQmE,EAGd,CAEA,MAAO,CAGLnE,OAAQA,EAEZ,CA1BE0D,GAAwB,EACxB1D,EAAS,IAAM2D,CA0BnB,CAGA,GAAkB,MAAd3D,EAAO,GACT,MAAO,CAAC,EAGVZ,EAAW,IAAI,KAASA,GAYxB,IAFA,IAAImB,EAAI,EAEDA,EAAI,GAAK,MAA2BA,GAAKP,EAAOzB,QAAQ,CAC7D,IAAI8F,EAAsBrE,EAAOI,MAAM,EAAGG,GAE1C,GAAInB,EAASkF,eAAeD,GAE1B,OADAjF,EAAS2E,oBAAoBM,GACtB,CACLD,yBAA0BV,EAAwB,uBAAyB,6BAC3EI,mBAAoBO,EACpBrE,OAAQA,EAAOI,MAAMG,IAIzBA,GACF,CAEA,MAAO,CAAC,CACV,C","sources":["webpack://frontend/./node_modules/libphonenumber-js/es6/helpers/extractPhoneContext.js","webpack://frontend/./node_modules/libphonenumber-js/es6/helpers/extractFormattedPhoneNumberFromPossibleRfc3966NumberUri.js","webpack://frontend/./node_modules/libphonenumber-js/es6/helpers/checkNumberLength.js","webpack://frontend/./node_modules/libphonenumber-js/es6/helpers/extension/extractExtension.js","webpack://frontend/./node_modules/libphonenumber-js/es6/helpers/formatNationalNumberUsingFormat.js","webpack://frontend/./node_modules/libphonenumber-js/es6/helpers/applyInternationalSeparatorStyle.js","webpack://frontend/./node_modules/libphonenumber-js/es6/helpers/RFC3966.js","webpack://frontend/./node_modules/libphonenumber-js/es6/helpers/extension/createExtensionPattern.js","webpack://frontend/./node_modules/libphonenumber-js/es6/helpers/extractNationalNumber.js","webpack://frontend/./node_modules/libphonenumber-js/es6/helpers/extractNationalNumberFromPossiblyIncompleteNumber.js","webpack://frontend/./node_modules/libphonenumber-js/es6/helpers/extractCountryCallingCode.js","webpack://frontend/./node_modules/libphonenumber-js/es6/helpers/extractCountryCallingCodeFromInternationalNumberWithoutPlusSign.js"],"sourcesContent":["// When phone numbers are written in `RFC3966` format — `\"tel:+12133734253\"` —\n// they can have their \"calling code\" part written separately in a `phone-context` parameter.\n// Example: `\"tel:12133734253;phone-context=+1\"`.\n// This function parses the full phone number from the local number and the `phone-context`\n// when the `phone-context` contains a `+` sign.\nimport { VALID_DIGITS // PLUS_CHARS\n} from '../constants.js';\nexport var PLUS_SIGN = '+';\nvar RFC3966_VISUAL_SEPARATOR_ = '[\\\\-\\\\.\\\\(\\\\)]?';\nvar RFC3966_PHONE_DIGIT_ = '(' + '[' + VALID_DIGITS + ']' + '|' + RFC3966_VISUAL_SEPARATOR_ + ')';\nvar RFC3966_GLOBAL_NUMBER_DIGITS_ = '^' + '\\\\' + PLUS_SIGN + RFC3966_PHONE_DIGIT_ + '*' + '[' + VALID_DIGITS + ']' + RFC3966_PHONE_DIGIT_ + '*' + '$';\n/**\r\n * Regular expression of valid global-number-digits for the phone-context\r\n * parameter, following the syntax defined in RFC3966.\r\n */\n\nvar RFC3966_GLOBAL_NUMBER_DIGITS_PATTERN_ = new RegExp(RFC3966_GLOBAL_NUMBER_DIGITS_, 'g'); // In this port of Google's library, we don't accept alpha characters in phone numbers.\n// const ALPHANUM_ = VALID_ALPHA_ + VALID_DIGITS\n\nvar ALPHANUM_ = VALID_DIGITS;\nvar RFC3966_DOMAINLABEL_ = '[' + ALPHANUM_ + ']+((\\\\-)*[' + ALPHANUM_ + '])*';\nvar VALID_ALPHA_ = 'a-zA-Z';\nvar RFC3966_TOPLABEL_ = '[' + VALID_ALPHA_ + ']+((\\\\-)*[' + ALPHANUM_ + '])*';\nvar RFC3966_DOMAINNAME_ = '^(' + RFC3966_DOMAINLABEL_ + '\\\\.)*' + RFC3966_TOPLABEL_ + '\\\\.?$';\n/**\r\n * Regular expression of valid domainname for the phone-context parameter,\r\n * following the syntax defined in RFC3966.\r\n */\n\nvar RFC3966_DOMAINNAME_PATTERN_ = new RegExp(RFC3966_DOMAINNAME_, 'g');\nexport var RFC3966_PREFIX_ = 'tel:';\nexport var RFC3966_PHONE_CONTEXT_ = ';phone-context=';\nexport var RFC3966_ISDN_SUBADDRESS_ = ';isub=';\n/**\r\n * Extracts the value of the phone-context parameter of `numberToExtractFrom`,\r\n * following the syntax defined in RFC3966.\r\n *\r\n * @param {string} numberToExtractFrom\r\n * @return {string|null} the extracted string (possibly empty), or `null` if no phone-context parameter is found.\r\n */\n\nexport default function extractPhoneContext(numberToExtractFrom) {\n var indexOfPhoneContext = numberToExtractFrom.indexOf(RFC3966_PHONE_CONTEXT_); // If no phone-context parameter is present\n\n if (indexOfPhoneContext < 0) {\n return null;\n }\n\n var phoneContextStart = indexOfPhoneContext + RFC3966_PHONE_CONTEXT_.length; // If phone-context parameter is empty\n\n if (phoneContextStart >= numberToExtractFrom.length) {\n return '';\n }\n\n var phoneContextEnd = numberToExtractFrom.indexOf(';', phoneContextStart); // If phone-context is not the last parameter\n\n if (phoneContextEnd >= 0) {\n return numberToExtractFrom.substring(phoneContextStart, phoneContextEnd);\n } else {\n return numberToExtractFrom.substring(phoneContextStart);\n }\n}\n/**\r\n * Returns whether the value of phoneContext follows the syntax defined in RFC3966.\r\n *\r\n * @param {string|null} phoneContext\r\n * @return {boolean}\r\n */\n\nexport function isPhoneContextValid(phoneContext) {\n if (phoneContext === null) {\n return true;\n }\n\n if (phoneContext.length === 0) {\n return false;\n } // Does phone-context value match pattern of global-number-digits or domainname.\n\n\n return RFC3966_GLOBAL_NUMBER_DIGITS_PATTERN_.test(phoneContext) || RFC3966_DOMAINNAME_PATTERN_.test(phoneContext);\n}\n//# sourceMappingURL=extractPhoneContext.js.map","import extractPhoneContext, { isPhoneContextValid, PLUS_SIGN, RFC3966_PREFIX_, RFC3966_PHONE_CONTEXT_, RFC3966_ISDN_SUBADDRESS_ } from './extractPhoneContext.js';\nimport ParseError from '../ParseError.js';\n/**\r\n * @param {string} numberToParse\r\n * @param {string} nationalNumber\r\n * @return {}\r\n */\n\nexport default function extractFormattedPhoneNumberFromPossibleRfc3966NumberUri(numberToParse, _ref) {\n var extractFormattedPhoneNumber = _ref.extractFormattedPhoneNumber;\n var phoneContext = extractPhoneContext(numberToParse);\n\n if (!isPhoneContextValid(phoneContext)) {\n throw new ParseError('NOT_A_NUMBER');\n }\n\n var phoneNumberString;\n\n if (phoneContext === null) {\n // Extract a possible number from the string passed in.\n // (this strips leading characters that could not be the start of a phone number)\n phoneNumberString = extractFormattedPhoneNumber(numberToParse) || '';\n } else {\n phoneNumberString = ''; // If the phone context contains a phone number prefix, we need to capture\n // it, whereas domains will be ignored.\n\n if (phoneContext.charAt(0) === PLUS_SIGN) {\n phoneNumberString += phoneContext;\n } // Now append everything between the \"tel:\" prefix and the phone-context.\n // This should include the national number, an optional extension or\n // isdn-subaddress component. Note we also handle the case when \"tel:\" is\n // missing, as we have seen in some of the phone number inputs.\n // In that case, we append everything from the beginning.\n\n\n var indexOfRfc3966Prefix = numberToParse.indexOf(RFC3966_PREFIX_);\n var indexOfNationalNumber; // RFC 3966 \"tel:\" prefix is preset at this stage because\n // `isPhoneContextValid()` requires it to be present.\n\n /* istanbul ignore else */\n\n if (indexOfRfc3966Prefix >= 0) {\n indexOfNationalNumber = indexOfRfc3966Prefix + RFC3966_PREFIX_.length;\n } else {\n indexOfNationalNumber = 0;\n }\n\n var indexOfPhoneContext = numberToParse.indexOf(RFC3966_PHONE_CONTEXT_);\n phoneNumberString += numberToParse.substring(indexOfNationalNumber, indexOfPhoneContext);\n } // Delete the isdn-subaddress and everything after it if it is present.\n // Note extension won't appear at the same time with isdn-subaddress\n // according to paragraph 5.3 of the RFC3966 spec.\n\n\n var indexOfIsdn = phoneNumberString.indexOf(RFC3966_ISDN_SUBADDRESS_);\n\n if (indexOfIsdn > 0) {\n phoneNumberString = phoneNumberString.substring(0, indexOfIsdn);\n } // If both phone context and isdn-subaddress are absent but other\n // parameters are present, the parameters are left in nationalNumber.\n // This is because we are concerned about deleting content from a potential\n // number string when there is no strong evidence that the number is\n // actually written in RFC3966.\n\n\n if (phoneNumberString !== '') {\n return phoneNumberString;\n }\n}\n//# sourceMappingURL=extractFormattedPhoneNumberFromPossibleRfc3966NumberUri.js.map","import mergeArrays from './mergeArrays.js';\nexport default function checkNumberLength(nationalNumber, metadata) {\n return checkNumberLengthForType(nationalNumber, undefined, metadata);\n} // Checks whether a number is possible for the country based on its length.\n// Should only be called for the \"new\" metadata which has \"possible lengths\".\n\nexport function checkNumberLengthForType(nationalNumber, type, metadata) {\n var type_info = metadata.type(type); // There should always be \"\" set for every type element.\n // This is declared in the XML schema.\n // For size efficiency, where a sub-description (e.g. fixed-line)\n // has the same \"\" as the \"general description\", this is missing,\n // so we fall back to the \"general description\". Where no numbers of the type\n // exist at all, there is one possible length (-1) which is guaranteed\n // not to match the length of any real phone number.\n\n var possible_lengths = type_info && type_info.possibleLengths() || metadata.possibleLengths(); // let local_lengths = type_info && type.possibleLengthsLocal() || metadata.possibleLengthsLocal()\n // Metadata before version `1.0.18` didn't contain `possible_lengths`.\n\n if (!possible_lengths) {\n return 'IS_POSSIBLE';\n }\n\n if (type === 'FIXED_LINE_OR_MOBILE') {\n // No such country in metadata.\n\n /* istanbul ignore next */\n if (!metadata.type('FIXED_LINE')) {\n // The rare case has been encountered where no fixedLine data is available\n // (true for some non-geographic entities), so we just check mobile.\n return checkNumberLengthForType(nationalNumber, 'MOBILE', metadata);\n }\n\n var mobile_type = metadata.type('MOBILE');\n\n if (mobile_type) {\n // Merge the mobile data in if there was any. \"Concat\" creates a new\n // array, it doesn't edit possible_lengths in place, so we don't need a copy.\n // Note that when adding the possible lengths from mobile, we have\n // to again check they aren't empty since if they are this indicates\n // they are the same as the general desc and should be obtained from there.\n possible_lengths = mergeArrays(possible_lengths, mobile_type.possibleLengths()); // The current list is sorted; we need to merge in the new list and\n // re-sort (duplicates are okay). Sorting isn't so expensive because\n // the lists are very small.\n // if (local_lengths) {\n // \tlocal_lengths = mergeArrays(local_lengths, mobile_type.possibleLengthsLocal())\n // } else {\n // \tlocal_lengths = mobile_type.possibleLengthsLocal()\n // }\n }\n } // If the type doesn't exist then return 'INVALID_LENGTH'.\n else if (type && !type_info) {\n return 'INVALID_LENGTH';\n }\n\n var actual_length = nationalNumber.length; // In `libphonenumber-js` all \"local-only\" formats are dropped for simplicity.\n // // This is safe because there is never an overlap beween the possible lengths\n // // and the local-only lengths; this is checked at build time.\n // if (local_lengths && local_lengths.indexOf(nationalNumber.length) >= 0)\n // {\n // \treturn 'IS_POSSIBLE_LOCAL_ONLY'\n // }\n\n var minimum_length = possible_lengths[0];\n\n if (minimum_length === actual_length) {\n return 'IS_POSSIBLE';\n }\n\n if (minimum_length > actual_length) {\n return 'TOO_SHORT';\n }\n\n if (possible_lengths[possible_lengths.length - 1] < actual_length) {\n return 'TOO_LONG';\n } // We skip the first element since we've already checked it.\n\n\n return possible_lengths.indexOf(actual_length, 1) >= 0 ? 'IS_POSSIBLE' : 'INVALID_LENGTH';\n}\n//# sourceMappingURL=checkNumberLength.js.map","import createExtensionPattern from './createExtensionPattern.js'; // Regexp of all known extension prefixes used by different regions followed by\n// 1 or more valid digits, for use when parsing.\n\nvar EXTN_PATTERN = new RegExp('(?:' + createExtensionPattern() + ')$', 'i'); // Strips any extension (as in, the part of the number dialled after the call is\n// connected, usually indicated with extn, ext, x or similar) from the end of\n// the number, and returns it.\n\nexport default function extractExtension(number) {\n var start = number.search(EXTN_PATTERN);\n\n if (start < 0) {\n return {};\n } // If we find a potential extension, and the number preceding this is a viable\n // number, we assume it is an extension.\n\n\n var numberWithoutExtension = number.slice(0, start);\n var matches = number.match(EXTN_PATTERN);\n var i = 1;\n\n while (i < matches.length) {\n if (matches[i]) {\n return {\n number: numberWithoutExtension,\n ext: matches[i]\n };\n }\n\n i++;\n }\n}\n//# sourceMappingURL=extractExtension.js.map","import applyInternationalSeparatorStyle from './applyInternationalSeparatorStyle.js'; // This was originally set to $1 but there are some countries for which the\n// first group is not used in the national pattern (e.g. Argentina) so the $1\n// group does not match correctly. Therefore, we use `\\d`, so that the first\n// group actually used in the pattern will be matched.\n\nexport var FIRST_GROUP_PATTERN = /(\\$\\d)/;\nexport default function formatNationalNumberUsingFormat(number, format, _ref) {\n var useInternationalFormat = _ref.useInternationalFormat,\n withNationalPrefix = _ref.withNationalPrefix,\n carrierCode = _ref.carrierCode,\n metadata = _ref.metadata;\n var formattedNumber = number.replace(new RegExp(format.pattern()), useInternationalFormat ? format.internationalFormat() : // This library doesn't use `domestic_carrier_code_formatting_rule`,\n // because that one is only used when formatting phone numbers\n // for dialing from a mobile phone, and this is not a dialing library.\n // carrierCode && format.domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule()\n // \t// First, replace the $CC in the formatting rule with the desired carrier code.\n // \t// Then, replace the $FG in the formatting rule with the first group\n // \t// and the carrier code combined in the appropriate way.\n // \t? format.format().replace(FIRST_GROUP_PATTERN, format.domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule().replace('$CC', carrierCode))\n // \t: (\n // \t\twithNationalPrefix && format.nationalPrefixFormattingRule()\n // \t\t\t? format.format().replace(FIRST_GROUP_PATTERN, format.nationalPrefixFormattingRule())\n // \t\t\t: format.format()\n // \t)\n withNationalPrefix && format.nationalPrefixFormattingRule() ? format.format().replace(FIRST_GROUP_PATTERN, format.nationalPrefixFormattingRule()) : format.format());\n\n if (useInternationalFormat) {\n return applyInternationalSeparatorStyle(formattedNumber);\n }\n\n return formattedNumber;\n}\n//# sourceMappingURL=formatNationalNumberUsingFormat.js.map","import { VALID_PUNCTUATION } from '../constants.js'; // Removes brackets and replaces dashes with spaces.\n//\n// E.g. \"(999) 111-22-33\" -> \"999 111 22 33\"\n//\n// For some reason Google's metadata contains ``s with brackets and dashes.\n// Meanwhile, there's no single opinion about using punctuation in international phone numbers.\n//\n// For example, Google's `` for USA is `+1 213-373-4253`.\n// And here's a quote from WikiPedia's \"North American Numbering Plan\" page:\n// https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/North_American_Numbering_Plan\n//\n// \"The country calling code for all countries participating in the NANP is 1.\n// In international format, an NANP number should be listed as +1 301 555 01 00,\n// where 301 is an area code (Maryland).\"\n//\n// I personally prefer the international format without any punctuation.\n// For example, brackets are remnants of the old age, meaning that the\n// phone number part in brackets (so called \"area code\") can be omitted\n// if dialing within the same \"area\".\n// And hyphens were clearly introduced for splitting local numbers into memorizable groups.\n// For example, remembering \"5553535\" is difficult but \"555-35-35\" is much simpler.\n// Imagine a man taking a bus from home to work and seeing an ad with a phone number.\n// He has a couple of seconds to memorize that number until it passes by.\n// If it were spaces instead of hyphens the man wouldn't necessarily get it,\n// but with hyphens instead of spaces the grouping is more explicit.\n// I personally think that hyphens introduce visual clutter,\n// so I prefer replacing them with spaces in international numbers.\n// In the modern age all output is done on displays where spaces are clearly distinguishable\n// so hyphens can be safely replaced with spaces without losing any legibility.\n//\n\nexport default function applyInternationalSeparatorStyle(formattedNumber) {\n return formattedNumber.replace(new RegExp(\"[\".concat(VALID_PUNCTUATION, \"]+\"), 'g'), ' ').trim();\n}\n//# sourceMappingURL=applyInternationalSeparatorStyle.js.map","function _slicedToArray(arr, i) { return _arrayWithHoles(arr) || _iterableToArrayLimit(arr, i) || _unsupportedIterableToArray(arr, i) || _nonIterableRest(); }\n\nfunction _nonIterableRest() { throw new TypeError(\"Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance.\\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.\"); }\n\nfunction _iterableToArrayLimit(arr, i) { var _i = arr == null ? null : typeof Symbol !== \"undefined\" && arr[Symbol.iterator] || arr[\"@@iterator\"]; if (_i == null) return; var _arr = []; var _n = true; var _d = false; var _s, _e; try { for (_i = _i.call(arr); !(_n = (_s = _i.next()).done); _n = true) { _arr.push(_s.value); if (i && _arr.length === i) break; } } catch (err) { _d = true; _e = err; } finally { try { if (!_n && _i[\"return\"] != null) _i[\"return\"](); } finally { if (_d) throw _e; } } return _arr; }\n\nfunction _arrayWithHoles(arr) { if (Array.isArray(arr)) return arr; }\n\nfunction _createForOfIteratorHelperLoose(o, allowArrayLike) { var it = typeof Symbol !== \"undefined\" && o[Symbol.iterator] || o[\"@@iterator\"]; if (it) return (it = it.call(o)).next.bind(it); if (Array.isArray(o) || (it = _unsupportedIterableToArray(o)) || allowArrayLike && o && typeof o.length === \"number\") { if (it) o = it; var i = 0; return function () { if (i >= o.length) return { done: true }; return { done: false, value: o[i++] }; }; } throw new TypeError(\"Invalid attempt to iterate non-iterable instance.\\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.\"); }\n\nfunction _unsupportedIterableToArray(o, minLen) { if (!o) return; if (typeof o === \"string\") return _arrayLikeToArray(o, minLen); var n = Object.prototype.toString.call(o).slice(8, -1); if (n === \"Object\" && o.constructor) n = o.constructor.name; if (n === \"Map\" || n === \"Set\") return Array.from(o); if (n === \"Arguments\" || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(n)) return _arrayLikeToArray(o, minLen); }\n\nfunction _arrayLikeToArray(arr, len) { if (len == null || len > arr.length) len = arr.length; for (var i = 0, arr2 = new Array(len); i < len; i++) { arr2[i] = arr[i]; } return arr2; }\n\nimport isViablePhoneNumber from './isViablePhoneNumber.js'; // https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3966.txt\n\n/**\r\n * @param {string} text - Phone URI (RFC 3966).\r\n * @return {object} `{ ?number, ?ext }`.\r\n */\n\nexport function parseRFC3966(text) {\n var number;\n var ext; // Replace \"tel:\" with \"tel=\" for parsing convenience.\n\n text = text.replace(/^tel:/, 'tel=');\n\n for (var _iterator = _createForOfIteratorHelperLoose(text.split(';')), _step; !(_step = _iterator()).done;) {\n var part = _step.value;\n\n var _part$split = part.split('='),\n _part$split2 = _slicedToArray(_part$split, 2),\n name = _part$split2[0],\n value = _part$split2[1];\n\n switch (name) {\n case 'tel':\n number = value;\n break;\n\n case 'ext':\n ext = value;\n break;\n\n case 'phone-context':\n // Only \"country contexts\" are supported.\n // \"Domain contexts\" are ignored.\n if (value[0] === '+') {\n number = value + number;\n }\n\n break;\n }\n } // If the phone number is not viable, then abort.\n\n\n if (!isViablePhoneNumber(number)) {\n return {};\n }\n\n var result = {\n number: number\n };\n\n if (ext) {\n result.ext = ext;\n }\n\n return result;\n}\n/**\r\n * @param {object} - `{ ?number, ?extension }`.\r\n * @return {string} Phone URI (RFC 3966).\r\n */\n\nexport function formatRFC3966(_ref) {\n var number = _ref.number,\n ext = _ref.ext;\n\n if (!number) {\n return '';\n }\n\n if (number[0] !== '+') {\n throw new Error(\"\\\"formatRFC3966()\\\" expects \\\"number\\\" to be in E.164 format.\");\n }\n\n return \"tel:\".concat(number).concat(ext ? ';ext=' + ext : '');\n}\n//# sourceMappingURL=RFC3966.js.map","import { VALID_DIGITS } from '../../constants.js'; // The RFC 3966 format for extensions.\n\nvar RFC3966_EXTN_PREFIX = ';ext=';\n/**\r\n * Helper method for constructing regular expressions for parsing. Creates\r\n * an expression that captures up to max_length digits.\r\n * @return {string} RegEx pattern to capture extension digits.\r\n */\n\nvar getExtensionDigitsPattern = function getExtensionDigitsPattern(maxLength) {\n return \"([\".concat(VALID_DIGITS, \"]{1,\").concat(maxLength, \"})\");\n};\n/**\r\n * Helper initialiser method to create the regular-expression pattern to match\r\n * extensions.\r\n * Copy-pasted from Google's `libphonenumber`:\r\n * https://github.com/google/libphonenumber/blob/55b2646ec9393f4d3d6661b9c82ef9e258e8b829/javascript/i18n/phonenumbers/phonenumberutil.js#L759-L766\r\n * @return {string} RegEx pattern to capture extensions.\r\n */\n\n\nexport default function createExtensionPattern(purpose) {\n // We cap the maximum length of an extension based on the ambiguity of the way\n // the extension is prefixed. As per ITU, the officially allowed length for\n // extensions is actually 40, but we don't support this since we haven't seen real\n // examples and this introduces many false interpretations as the extension labels\n // are not standardized.\n\n /** @type {string} */\n var extLimitAfterExplicitLabel = '20';\n /** @type {string} */\n\n var extLimitAfterLikelyLabel = '15';\n /** @type {string} */\n\n var extLimitAfterAmbiguousChar = '9';\n /** @type {string} */\n\n var extLimitWhenNotSure = '6';\n /** @type {string} */\n\n var possibleSeparatorsBetweenNumberAndExtLabel = \"[ \\xA0\\\\t,]*\"; // Optional full stop (.) or colon, followed by zero or more spaces/tabs/commas.\n\n /** @type {string} */\n\n var possibleCharsAfterExtLabel = \"[:\\\\.\\uFF0E]?[ \\xA0\\\\t,-]*\";\n /** @type {string} */\n\n var optionalExtnSuffix = \"#?\"; // Here the extension is called out in more explicit way, i.e mentioning it obvious\n // patterns like \"ext.\".\n\n /** @type {string} */\n\n var explicitExtLabels = \"(?:e?xt(?:ensi(?:o\\u0301?|\\xF3))?n?|\\uFF45?\\uFF58\\uFF54\\uFF4E?|\\u0434\\u043E\\u0431|anexo)\"; // One-character symbols that can be used to indicate an extension, and less\n // commonly used or more ambiguous extension labels.\n\n /** @type {string} */\n\n var ambiguousExtLabels = \"(?:[x\\uFF58#\\uFF03~\\uFF5E]|int|\\uFF49\\uFF4E\\uFF54)\"; // When extension is not separated clearly.\n\n /** @type {string} */\n\n var ambiguousSeparator = \"[- ]+\"; // This is the same as possibleSeparatorsBetweenNumberAndExtLabel, but not matching\n // comma as extension label may have it.\n\n /** @type {string} */\n\n var possibleSeparatorsNumberExtLabelNoComma = \"[ \\xA0\\\\t]*\"; // \",,\" is commonly used for auto dialling the extension when connected. First\n // comma is matched through possibleSeparatorsBetweenNumberAndExtLabel, so we do\n // not repeat it here. Semi-colon works in Iphone and Android also to pop up a\n // button with the extension number following.\n\n /** @type {string} */\n\n var autoDiallingAndExtLabelsFound = \"(?:,{2}|;)\";\n /** @type {string} */\n\n var rfcExtn = RFC3966_EXTN_PREFIX + getExtensionDigitsPattern(extLimitAfterExplicitLabel);\n /** @type {string} */\n\n var explicitExtn = possibleSeparatorsBetweenNumberAndExtLabel + explicitExtLabels + possibleCharsAfterExtLabel + getExtensionDigitsPattern(extLimitAfterExplicitLabel) + optionalExtnSuffix;\n /** @type {string} */\n\n var ambiguousExtn = possibleSeparatorsBetweenNumberAndExtLabel + ambiguousExtLabels + possibleCharsAfterExtLabel + getExtensionDigitsPattern(extLimitAfterAmbiguousChar) + optionalExtnSuffix;\n /** @type {string} */\n\n var americanStyleExtnWithSuffix = ambiguousSeparator + getExtensionDigitsPattern(extLimitWhenNotSure) + \"#\";\n /** @type {string} */\n\n var autoDiallingExtn = possibleSeparatorsNumberExtLabelNoComma + autoDiallingAndExtLabelsFound + possibleCharsAfterExtLabel + getExtensionDigitsPattern(extLimitAfterLikelyLabel) + optionalExtnSuffix;\n /** @type {string} */\n\n var onlyCommasExtn = possibleSeparatorsNumberExtLabelNoComma + \"(?:,)+\" + possibleCharsAfterExtLabel + getExtensionDigitsPattern(extLimitAfterAmbiguousChar) + optionalExtnSuffix; // The first regular expression covers RFC 3966 format, where the extension is added\n // using \";ext=\". The second more generic where extension is mentioned with explicit\n // labels like \"ext:\". In both the above cases we allow more numbers in extension than\n // any other extension labels. The third one captures when single character extension\n // labels or less commonly used labels are used. In such cases we capture fewer\n // extension digits in order to reduce the chance of falsely interpreting two\n // numbers beside each other as a number + extension. The fourth one covers the\n // special case of American numbers where the extension is written with a hash\n // at the end, such as \"- 503#\". The fifth one is exclusively for extension\n // autodialling formats which are used when dialling and in this case we accept longer\n // extensions. The last one is more liberal on the number of commas that acts as\n // extension labels, so we have a strict cap on the number of digits in such extensions.\n\n return rfcExtn + \"|\" + explicitExtn + \"|\" + ambiguousExtn + \"|\" + americanStyleExtnWithSuffix + \"|\" + autoDiallingExtn + \"|\" + onlyCommasExtn;\n}\n//# sourceMappingURL=createExtensionPattern.js.map","import extractNationalNumberFromPossiblyIncompleteNumber from './extractNationalNumberFromPossiblyIncompleteNumber.js';\nimport matchesEntirely from './matchesEntirely.js';\nimport checkNumberLength from './checkNumberLength.js';\n/**\r\n * Strips national prefix and carrier code from a complete phone number.\r\n * The difference from the non-\"FromCompleteNumber\" function is that\r\n * it won't extract national prefix if the resultant number is too short\r\n * to be a complete number for the selected phone numbering plan.\r\n * @param {string} number — Complete phone number digits.\r\n * @param {Metadata} metadata — Metadata with a phone numbering plan selected.\r\n * @return {object} `{ nationalNumber: string, carrierCode: string? }`.\r\n */\n\nexport default function extractNationalNumber(number, metadata) {\n // Parsing national prefixes and carrier codes\n // is only required for local phone numbers\n // but some people don't understand that\n // and sometimes write international phone numbers\n // with national prefixes (or maybe even carrier codes).\n // http://ucken.blogspot.ru/2016/03/trunk-prefixes-in-skype4b.html\n // Google's original library forgives such mistakes\n // and so does this library, because it has been requested:\n // https://github.com/catamphetamine/libphonenumber-js/issues/127\n var _extractNationalNumbe = extractNationalNumberFromPossiblyIncompleteNumber(number, metadata),\n carrierCode = _extractNationalNumbe.carrierCode,\n nationalNumber = _extractNationalNumbe.nationalNumber;\n\n if (nationalNumber !== number) {\n if (!shouldHaveExtractedNationalPrefix(number, nationalNumber, metadata)) {\n // Don't strip the national prefix.\n return {\n nationalNumber: number\n };\n } // Check the national (significant) number length after extracting national prefix and carrier code.\n // Legacy generated metadata (before `1.0.18`) didn't support the \"possible lengths\" feature.\n\n\n if (metadata.possibleLengths()) {\n // The number remaining after stripping the national prefix and carrier code\n // should be long enough to have a possible length for the country.\n // Otherwise, don't strip the national prefix and carrier code,\n // since the original number could be a valid number.\n // This check has been copy-pasted \"as is\" from Google's original library:\n // https://github.com/google/libphonenumber/blob/876268eb1ad6cdc1b7b5bef17fc5e43052702d57/java/libphonenumber/src/com/google/i18n/phonenumbers/PhoneNumberUtil.java#L3236-L3250\n // It doesn't check for the \"possibility\" of the original `number`.\n // I guess it's fine not checking that one. It works as is anyway.\n if (!isPossibleIncompleteNationalNumber(nationalNumber, metadata)) {\n // Don't strip the national prefix.\n return {\n nationalNumber: number\n };\n }\n }\n }\n\n return {\n nationalNumber: nationalNumber,\n carrierCode: carrierCode\n };\n} // In some countries, the same digit could be a national prefix\n// or a leading digit of a valid phone number.\n// For example, in Russia, national prefix is `8`,\n// and also `800 555 35 35` is a valid number\n// in which `8` is not a national prefix, but the first digit\n// of a national (significant) number.\n// Same's with Belarus:\n// `82004910060` is a valid national (significant) number,\n// but `2004910060` is not.\n// To support such cases (to prevent the code from always stripping\n// national prefix), a condition is imposed: a national prefix\n// is not extracted when the original number is \"viable\" and the\n// resultant number is not, a \"viable\" national number being the one\n// that matches `national_number_pattern`.\n\nfunction shouldHaveExtractedNationalPrefix(nationalNumberBefore, nationalNumberAfter, metadata) {\n // The equivalent in Google's code is:\n // https://github.com/google/libphonenumber/blob/e326fa1fc4283bb05eb35cb3c15c18f98a31af33/java/libphonenumber/src/com/google/i18n/phonenumbers/PhoneNumberUtil.java#L2969-L3004\n if (matchesEntirely(nationalNumberBefore, metadata.nationalNumberPattern()) && !matchesEntirely(nationalNumberAfter, metadata.nationalNumberPattern())) {\n return false;\n } // This \"is possible\" national number (length) check has been commented out\n // because it's superceded by the (effectively) same check done in the\n // `extractNationalNumber()` function after it calls `shouldHaveExtractedNationalPrefix()`.\n // In other words, why run the same check twice if it could only be run once.\n // // Check the national (significant) number length after extracting national prefix and carrier code.\n // // Fixes a minor \"weird behavior\" bug: https://gitlab.com/catamphetamine/libphonenumber-js/-/issues/57\n // // (Legacy generated metadata (before `1.0.18`) didn't support the \"possible lengths\" feature).\n // if (metadata.possibleLengths()) {\n // \tif (isPossibleIncompleteNationalNumber(nationalNumberBefore, metadata) &&\n // \t\t!isPossibleIncompleteNationalNumber(nationalNumberAfter, metadata)) {\n // \t\treturn false\n // \t}\n // }\n\n\n return true;\n}\n\nfunction isPossibleIncompleteNationalNumber(nationalNumber, metadata) {\n switch (checkNumberLength(nationalNumber, metadata)) {\n case 'TOO_SHORT':\n case 'INVALID_LENGTH':\n // This library ignores \"local-only\" phone numbers (for simplicity).\n // See the readme for more info on what are \"local-only\" phone numbers.\n // case 'IS_POSSIBLE_LOCAL_ONLY':\n return false;\n\n default:\n return true;\n }\n}\n//# sourceMappingURL=extractNationalNumber.js.map","/**\r\n * Strips any national prefix (such as 0, 1) present in a\r\n * (possibly incomplete) number provided.\r\n * \"Carrier codes\" are only used in Colombia and Brazil,\r\n * and only when dialing within those countries from a mobile phone to a fixed line number.\r\n * Sometimes it won't actually strip national prefix\r\n * and will instead prepend some digits to the `number`:\r\n * for example, when number `2345678` is passed with `VI` country selected,\r\n * it will return `{ number: \"3402345678\" }`, because `340` area code is prepended.\r\n * @param {string} number — National number digits.\r\n * @param {object} metadata — Metadata with country selected.\r\n * @return {object} `{ nationalNumber: string, nationalPrefix: string? carrierCode: string? }`. Even if a national prefix was extracted, it's not necessarily present in the returned object, so don't rely on its presence in the returned object in order to find out whether a national prefix has been extracted or not.\r\n */\nexport default function extractNationalNumberFromPossiblyIncompleteNumber(number, metadata) {\n if (number && metadata.numberingPlan.nationalPrefixForParsing()) {\n // See METADATA.md for the description of\n // `national_prefix_for_parsing` and `national_prefix_transform_rule`.\n // Attempt to parse the first digits as a national prefix.\n var prefixPattern = new RegExp('^(?:' + metadata.numberingPlan.nationalPrefixForParsing() + ')');\n var prefixMatch = prefixPattern.exec(number);\n\n if (prefixMatch) {\n var nationalNumber;\n var carrierCode; // https://gitlab.com/catamphetamine/libphonenumber-js/-/blob/master/METADATA.md#national_prefix_for_parsing--national_prefix_transform_rule\n // If a `national_prefix_for_parsing` has any \"capturing groups\"\n // then it means that the national (significant) number is equal to\n // those \"capturing groups\" transformed via `national_prefix_transform_rule`,\n // and nothing could be said about the actual national prefix:\n // what is it and was it even there.\n // If a `national_prefix_for_parsing` doesn't have any \"capturing groups\",\n // then everything it matches is a national prefix.\n // To determine whether `national_prefix_for_parsing` matched any\n // \"capturing groups\", the value of the result of calling `.exec()`\n // is looked at, and if it has non-undefined values where there're\n // \"capturing groups\" in the regular expression, then it means\n // that \"capturing groups\" have been matched.\n // It's not possible to tell whether there'll be any \"capturing gropus\"\n // before the matching process, because a `national_prefix_for_parsing`\n // could exhibit both behaviors.\n\n var capturedGroupsCount = prefixMatch.length - 1;\n var hasCapturedGroups = capturedGroupsCount > 0 && prefixMatch[capturedGroupsCount];\n\n if (metadata.nationalPrefixTransformRule() && hasCapturedGroups) {\n nationalNumber = number.replace(prefixPattern, metadata.nationalPrefixTransformRule()); // If there's more than one captured group,\n // then carrier code is the second one.\n\n if (capturedGroupsCount > 1) {\n carrierCode = prefixMatch[1];\n }\n } // If there're no \"capturing groups\",\n // or if there're \"capturing groups\" but no\n // `national_prefix_transform_rule`,\n // then just strip the national prefix from the number,\n // and possibly a carrier code.\n // Seems like there could be more.\n else {\n // `prefixBeforeNationalNumber` is the whole substring matched by\n // the `national_prefix_for_parsing` regular expression.\n // There seem to be no guarantees that it's just a national prefix.\n // For example, if there's a carrier code, it's gonna be a\n // part of `prefixBeforeNationalNumber` too.\n var prefixBeforeNationalNumber = prefixMatch[0];\n nationalNumber = number.slice(prefixBeforeNationalNumber.length); // If there's at least one captured group,\n // then carrier code is the first one.\n\n if (hasCapturedGroups) {\n carrierCode = prefixMatch[1];\n }\n } // Tries to guess whether a national prefix was present in the input.\n // This is not something copy-pasted from Google's library:\n // they don't seem to have an equivalent for that.\n // So this isn't an \"officially approved\" way of doing something like that.\n // But since there seems no other existing method, this library uses it.\n\n\n var nationalPrefix;\n\n if (hasCapturedGroups) {\n var possiblePositionOfTheFirstCapturedGroup = number.indexOf(prefixMatch[1]);\n var possibleNationalPrefix = number.slice(0, possiblePositionOfTheFirstCapturedGroup); // Example: an Argentinian (AR) phone number `0111523456789`.\n // `prefixMatch[0]` is `01115`, and `$1` is `11`,\n // and the rest of the phone number is `23456789`.\n // The national number is transformed via `9$1` to `91123456789`.\n // National prefix `0` is detected being present at the start.\n // if (possibleNationalPrefix.indexOf(metadata.numberingPlan.nationalPrefix()) === 0) {\n\n if (possibleNationalPrefix === metadata.numberingPlan.nationalPrefix()) {\n nationalPrefix = metadata.numberingPlan.nationalPrefix();\n }\n } else {\n nationalPrefix = prefixMatch[0];\n }\n\n return {\n nationalNumber: nationalNumber,\n nationalPrefix: nationalPrefix,\n carrierCode: carrierCode\n };\n }\n }\n\n return {\n nationalNumber: number\n };\n}\n//# sourceMappingURL=extractNationalNumberFromPossiblyIncompleteNumber.js.map","import stripIddPrefix from './stripIddPrefix.js';\nimport extractCountryCallingCodeFromInternationalNumberWithoutPlusSign from './extractCountryCallingCodeFromInternationalNumberWithoutPlusSign.js';\nimport Metadata from '../metadata.js';\nimport { MAX_LENGTH_COUNTRY_CODE } from '../constants.js';\n/**\r\n * Converts a phone number digits (possibly with a `+`)\r\n * into a calling code and the rest phone number digits.\r\n * The \"rest phone number digits\" could include\r\n * a national prefix, carrier code, and national\r\n * (significant) number.\r\n * @param {string} number — Phone number digits (possibly with a `+`).\r\n * @param {string} [country] — Default country.\r\n * @param {string} [callingCode] — Default calling code (some phone numbering plans are non-geographic).\r\n * @param {object} metadata\r\n * @return {object} `{ countryCallingCodeSource: string?, countryCallingCode: string?, number: string }`\r\n * @example\r\n * // Returns `{ countryCallingCode: \"1\", number: \"2133734253\" }`.\r\n * extractCountryCallingCode('2133734253', 'US', null, metadata)\r\n * extractCountryCallingCode('2133734253', null, '1', metadata)\r\n * extractCountryCallingCode('+12133734253', null, null, metadata)\r\n * extractCountryCallingCode('+12133734253', 'RU', null, metadata)\r\n */\n\nexport default function extractCountryCallingCode(number, country, callingCode, metadata) {\n if (!number) {\n return {};\n }\n\n var isNumberWithIddPrefix; // If this is not an international phone number,\n // then either extract an \"IDD\" prefix, or extract a\n // country calling code from a number by autocorrecting it\n // by prepending a leading `+` in cases when it starts\n // with the country calling code.\n // https://wikitravel.org/en/International_dialling_prefix\n // https://github.com/catamphetamine/libphonenumber-js/issues/376\n\n if (number[0] !== '+') {\n // Convert an \"out-of-country\" dialing phone number\n // to a proper international phone number.\n var numberWithoutIDD = stripIddPrefix(number, country, callingCode, metadata); // If an IDD prefix was stripped then\n // convert the number to international one\n // for subsequent parsing.\n\n if (numberWithoutIDD && numberWithoutIDD !== number) {\n isNumberWithIddPrefix = true;\n number = '+' + numberWithoutIDD;\n } else {\n // Check to see if the number starts with the country calling code\n // for the default country. If so, we remove the country calling code,\n // and do some checks on the validity of the number before and after.\n // https://github.com/catamphetamine/libphonenumber-js/issues/376\n if (country || callingCode) {\n var _extractCountryCallin = extractCountryCallingCodeFromInternationalNumberWithoutPlusSign(number, country, callingCode, metadata),\n countryCallingCode = _extractCountryCallin.countryCallingCode,\n shorterNumber = _extractCountryCallin.number;\n\n if (countryCallingCode) {\n return {\n countryCallingCodeSource: 'FROM_NUMBER_WITHOUT_PLUS_SIGN',\n countryCallingCode: countryCallingCode,\n number: shorterNumber\n };\n }\n }\n\n return {\n // No need to set it to `UNSPECIFIED`. It can be just `undefined`.\n // countryCallingCodeSource: 'UNSPECIFIED',\n number: number\n };\n }\n } // Fast abortion: country codes do not begin with a '0'\n\n\n if (number[1] === '0') {\n return {};\n }\n\n metadata = new Metadata(metadata); // The thing with country phone codes\n // is that they are orthogonal to each other\n // i.e. there's no such country phone code A\n // for which country phone code B exists\n // where B starts with A.\n // Therefore, while scanning digits,\n // if a valid country code is found,\n // that means that it is the country code.\n //\n\n var i = 2;\n\n while (i - 1 <= MAX_LENGTH_COUNTRY_CODE && i <= number.length) {\n var _countryCallingCode = number.slice(1, i);\n\n if (metadata.hasCallingCode(_countryCallingCode)) {\n metadata.selectNumberingPlan(_countryCallingCode);\n return {\n countryCallingCodeSource: isNumberWithIddPrefix ? 'FROM_NUMBER_WITH_IDD' : 'FROM_NUMBER_WITH_PLUS_SIGN',\n countryCallingCode: _countryCallingCode,\n number: number.slice(i)\n };\n }\n\n i++;\n }\n\n return {};\n} // The possible values for the returned `countryCallingCodeSource` are:\n//\n// Copy-pasted from:\n// https://github.com/google/libphonenumber/blob/master/resources/phonenumber.proto\n//\n// // The source from which the country_code is derived. This is not set in the\n// // general parsing method, but in the method that parses and keeps raw_input.\n// // New fields could be added upon request.\n// enum CountryCodeSource {\n// // Default value returned if this is not set, because the phone number was\n// // created using parse, not parseAndKeepRawInput. hasCountryCodeSource will\n// // return false if this is the case.\n// UNSPECIFIED = 0;\n//\n// // The country_code is derived based on a phone number with a leading \"+\",\n// // e.g. the French number \"+33 1 42 68 53 00\".\n// FROM_NUMBER_WITH_PLUS_SIGN = 1;\n//\n// // The country_code is derived based on a phone number with a leading IDD,\n// // e.g. the French number \"011 33 1 42 68 53 00\", as it is dialled from US.\n// FROM_NUMBER_WITH_IDD = 5;\n//\n// // The country_code is derived based on a phone number without a leading\n// // \"+\", e.g. the French number \"33 1 42 68 53 00\" when defaultCountry is\n// // supplied as France.\n// FROM_NUMBER_WITHOUT_PLUS_SIGN = 10;\n//\n// // The country_code is derived NOT based on the phone number itself, but\n// // from the defaultCountry parameter provided in the parsing function by the\n// // clients. This happens mostly for numbers written in the national format\n// // (without country code). For example, this would be set when parsing the\n// // French number \"01 42 68 53 00\", when defaultCountry is supplied as\n// // France.\n// FROM_DEFAULT_COUNTRY = 20;\n// }\n//# sourceMappingURL=extractCountryCallingCode.js.map","import Metadata from '../metadata.js';\nimport matchesEntirely from './matchesEntirely.js';\nimport extractNationalNumber from './extractNationalNumber.js';\nimport checkNumberLength from './checkNumberLength.js';\nimport getCountryCallingCode from '../getCountryCallingCode.js';\n/**\r\n * Sometimes some people incorrectly input international phone numbers\r\n * without the leading `+`. This function corrects such input.\r\n * @param {string} number — Phone number digits.\r\n * @param {string?} country\r\n * @param {string?} callingCode\r\n * @param {object} metadata\r\n * @return {object} `{ countryCallingCode: string?, number: string }`.\r\n */\n\nexport default function extractCountryCallingCodeFromInternationalNumberWithoutPlusSign(number, country, callingCode, metadata) {\n var countryCallingCode = country ? getCountryCallingCode(country, metadata) : callingCode;\n\n if (number.indexOf(countryCallingCode) === 0) {\n metadata = new Metadata(metadata);\n metadata.selectNumberingPlan(country, callingCode);\n var possibleShorterNumber = number.slice(countryCallingCode.length);\n\n var _extractNationalNumbe = extractNationalNumber(possibleShorterNumber, metadata),\n possibleShorterNationalNumber = _extractNationalNumbe.nationalNumber;\n\n var _extractNationalNumbe2 = extractNationalNumber(number, metadata),\n nationalNumber = _extractNationalNumbe2.nationalNumber; // If the number was not valid before but is valid now,\n // or if it was too long before, we consider the number\n // with the country calling code stripped to be a better result\n // and keep that instead.\n // For example, in Germany (+49), `49` is a valid area code,\n // so if a number starts with `49`, it could be both a valid\n // national German number or an international number without\n // a leading `+`.\n\n\n if (!matchesEntirely(nationalNumber, metadata.nationalNumberPattern()) && matchesEntirely(possibleShorterNationalNumber, metadata.nationalNumberPattern()) || checkNumberLength(nationalNumber, metadata) === 'TOO_LONG') {\n return {\n countryCallingCode: countryCallingCode,\n number: possibleShorterNumber\n };\n }\n }\n\n return {\n number: number\n };\n}\n//# sourceMappingURL=extractCountryCallingCodeFromInternationalNumberWithoutPlusSign.js.map"],"names":["PLUS_SIGN","RFC3966_PHONE_DIGIT_","RFC3966_GLOBAL_NUMBER_DIGITS_","RFC3966_GLOBAL_NUMBER_DIGITS_PATTERN_","RegExp","ALPHANUM_","RFC3966_DOMAINNAME_PATTERN_","RFC3966_PREFIX_","RFC3966_PHONE_CONTEXT_","RFC3966_ISDN_SUBADDRESS_","extractFormattedPhoneNumberFromPossibleRfc3966NumberUri","numberToParse","_ref","phoneNumberString","extractFormattedPhoneNumber","phoneContext","numberToExtractFrom","indexOfPhoneContext","indexOf","phoneContextStart","length","phoneContextEnd","substring","extractPhoneContext","test","isPhoneContextValid","ParseError","charAt","indexOfNationalNumber","indexOfRfc3966Prefix","indexOfIsdn","checkNumberLength","nationalNumber","metadata","checkNumberLengthForType","undefined","type","type_info","possible_lengths","possibleLengths","mobile_type","actual_length","minimum_length","EXTN_PATTERN","extractExtension","number","start","search","numberWithoutExtension","slice","matches","match","i","ext","FIRST_GROUP_PATTERN","formatNationalNumberUsingFormat","format","useInternationalFormat","withNationalPrefix","formattedNumber","carrierCode","replace","pattern","internationalFormat","nationalPrefixFormattingRule","concat","trim","applyInternationalSeparatorStyle","formatRFC3966","Error","RFC3966_EXTN_PREFIX","getExtensionDigitsPattern","maxLength","createExtensionPattern","purpose","possibleSeparatorsBetweenNumberAndExtLabel","possibleCharsAfterExtLabel","optionalExtnSuffix","possibleSeparatorsNumberExtLabelNoComma","rfcExtn","extractNationalNumber","_extractNationalNumbe","numberingPlan","nationalPrefixForParsing","prefixPattern","prefixMatch","exec","nationalPrefix","capturedGroupsCount","hasCapturedGroups","nationalPrefixTransformRule","prefixBeforeNationalNumber","possiblePositionOfTheFirstCapturedGroup","extractNationalNumberFromPossiblyIncompleteNumber","nationalNumberBefore","nationalNumberAfter","matchesEntirely","nationalNumberPattern","shouldHaveExtractedNationalPrefix","isPossibleIncompleteNationalNumber","extractCountryCallingCode","country","callingCode","isNumberWithIddPrefix","numberWithoutIDD","stripIddPrefix","_extractCountryCallin","countryCallingCode","selectNumberingPlan","possibleShorterNumber","possibleShorterNationalNumber","extractCountryCallingCodeFromInternationalNumberWithoutPlusSign","shorterNumber","countryCallingCodeSource","_countryCallingCode","hasCallingCode"],"sourceRoot":""}